News & Events

Currently available topics for a semester project or Master thesis:

Development of a tracking algorithm for Brown Swiss and Holstein dairy dairy cows in a free-​stall barn environment

Assessment of dairy cow heat stress by behaviour monitoring using computer vision approach

More information

April 2024

Open Position in the group

Postdoctoral Scholar in Dairy Food Quality

April 2024

Congratulations to Xinjie Zhao

Xinjie recently published a review article as the first author from her Master’s work external page“Unlocking the power of postbiotics: A revolutionary approach to nutrition for humans and animals” in the journal Cell Metabolism. Xinjie is a guest in our group from China Agricultural University, Beijing

April 2024


SNSF Grant Awarded

The four-year project “Improving animal welfare with non-invasive breathomics approach for health assessment of dairy cows” has been awarded an SNSF grant. For more information please contact Mutian Niu or Mario Barrientos

April 2024


Spring Conference Animal Nutrition: Role of animal nutrition in sustainability goals for Switzerland and beyond

external pageProgramme and external pageRegistration

Date : 23.05.2024

Location : Forum AgroVet-Strickhof, 8315 Lindau

Gain exclusive insights into the latest research findings on animal nutrition. At this year’s conference current research will be presented for a comprehensive overview of developments in the field of animal nutrition in Switzerland and beyond. The focus of the conference is on the contribution that animal nutrition can make to the implementation of agricultural policy goals.

Experience inspiring presentations and an interactive poster session, and take the opportunity to exchange ideas with like-minded people.


Guidelines for authors of poster abstracts for the Spring Conference on May 23rd, 2024, at Forum AgroVet-Strickhof

Language: English

Page size: A4

Margin: left, right, bottom each 2 cm, top 3 cm

Font: Arial

Title: Size 16 pt, bold face, left aligned; followed by one blank line

Authors, Institutions: Size 12 pt, left aligned; followed by one blank line

Please specify contact person and e-mail address

Text: Size 12 pt, line space 1.5, adjusted margin

Abstract length: Space limitations allow a maximum of 2,300 keystrokes (including characters, spaces and punctuation, title, keywords, and tables). Begin the count at the title and end the count with the last keyword or the end of the table, if one is included) The keystroke count does not include author names and references.

Tables: Max. 1, included in character count, tables should be a maximum of 10 columns and 15 rows; keep this in mind when you are formatting tables

Citations in the text:

e.g. (Schams et al., 1991) or (Huntington et al., 1988, 1990)

(Eisemann et al., 1986; McShane et al., 1989)

Eisemann et al. (1986) and McShane et al. (1989)


e.g. Broderick, G.A. and Kang, J.H. (1980): Automated simultaneous determination of ammonia and total amino acids in ruminal fluid and in vitro media. J. Dairy Sci. 63: 64-75

Cleale, R.M., Britton, A., Klopfenstein, T., Bauer, M.L., Harmon, P. and Satterlee, L.D. (1987): Induced non-enzymatic browning of soybean meal. II. Ruminal escape and net portal absorption of soybean protein treated with xylose. J. Anim. Sci. 65: 1319-1326

Kröber, T.F., Sutter, F., Senn, M., Langhans, W. and Kreuzer, M. (1999): Limitation by leucine and lysine additional to methionine in silage-concentrate based diets fed to early lactation cows. In: Book of Abstracts of the VIIth Int. Symp. Protein Metabolism and Nutrition (Lobley, G.E., White, A., MacRae, J.C., eds). Wageningen Pers, Wageningen, The Netherlands: p.80

Page numbers: none

Header or footer: none

Please note that text and figures should be still legible when reduced from A4 to A5 (especially tables and figures) and that the printed version of the conference proceedings will only be black and white.

Please send your abstracts to Elli Broxham by 15.04.2024


Feb. 2024


Welcome Chris N’Cho

Chris joins the group as a Post-Doctoral Scientist this month. He was previously at Suncheon National University (SCNU), South Korea.  

Feb. 2024






Prof. Dr. Mutian Niu
Assistant Professor at the Department of Environmental Systems Science
  • LFW A 3
  • +41 44 632 22 42

Professur für Tierernährung
Universitätstrasse 2
8092 Zürich

Prof. Dr.  Mutian Niu
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