Dr. Chris Major N'Cho

Dr.  Chris Major N'Cho

Dr. Chris Major N'Cho

Staff of Professorship for Animal Nutrition

ETH Zürich

Professur für Tierernährung

EHB F 19

Eschikon 27

8315 Lindau



Research Area

Chris is an Animal Scientist with expertise in studying the complex relationship between climate change and livestock. His research spans trials aimed at mitigating the adverse effects of high temperatures on poultry and cattle, alongside the development of dietary strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from livestock production. Proficient in microbiome data analysis, meta-analysis, and predictive model development, Chris is driven to apply modern data science tools to advance agricultural practices.

Academic Background

With a foundation in Agricultural Engineering, Chris specialized in Zootechnics and Livestock Production at the Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny (INP-HB) in his native Cote d’Ivoire. He then earned the prestigious Global Korea Scholarship to pursue his Ph.D. at Gyeongsang National University, under the guidance of Prof. Yang-Ho Choi. His doctoral research focused on the development of embryonic modulation to mitigate heat stress in broilers, utilizing molecular biology techniques to assess its impact. During this time, he deepened his knowledge of biostatistics, particularly in the realm of meta-analysis in animal science. Upon completing his Ph.D., Chris continued his academic journey as a Senior Researcher in the same group, with a research topic focusing on how Heat stress modulates the intestinal microbiome of broilers. Subsequently, he joined the Ruminant Nutrition and Anaerobe Laboratory at Sunchon National University, where he contributed to projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in cattle. Currently, Chris holds a position in the Animal Nutrition group at ETH Zürich, under the mentorship of Prof. Niu. His research interests encompass the assessment of heat stress on cattle behavior and the application of machine learning models to optimize livestock production practices.

Recent Publications

His updated publication list can be accessed via the following link: external pagehttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chris-Ncho/research

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